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Monday, May 20, 2024

Innovative Warehouse Safety Built For and By Workers

Warehouse safety is often defined by the absence of something (like injuries), but its focus begins to shift to the presence of defenses, flexibility, the ability to fail and safety innovation. In recent years, technology has helped move the needle in warehouse safety for supply chain suppliers, helping to develop warehouse workers’ ergonomics and prevent high-potential incidents. Their value cannot be underestimated. But the real motive behind the adoption of these solutions comes from common ground that share their observations, concerns and feedback to create a safer supply chain.

By leveraging these two important assets – workers and technology – warehouse managers can gather data to stay one step ahead of workplace safety. In doing so, they not only prevent injuries, increase productivity and reduce costs, but also strengthen employee involvement and satisfaction.

Safety innovations should be both employee-inspired and built for them. The following are examples of employee-focused solutions for supply chain warehouse safety and why they strengthen morale alongside physical well-being.

Ergonomically adapted warehouse technology built for humans

In the past, relatives were expected to adapt to their workplace. But today, the supply chain is investing in technology that helps the workplace adapt to the employee.

There are several types of wearable technologies that help prevent common injuries. Some wearables use artificial intelligence to guide workers in real time, alerting them when they have performed a movement that could cause injury (i.e. bending and improper twisting) and allowing the worker to correct himself, thus bringing about long-term behavioral improvement. . Then facility managers can analyze data collected from these devices and make necessary adjustments to the facility and product layout for ergonomic safety.

HeroWear Exterior Skeletons Provide another example of ergonomic innovation that adds a mechanical advantage to the body. Worn on the back like a backpack with additional straps that close around the thighs, the device is suitable for workers of all shapes and sizes to reduce over 75 pounds of load on the back – all while weighing just over three pounds. Kenco is one of the first players to introduce this customized solution in its warehouses.

In addition, a spring is activated Surface carousels Can raise and lower the surface height depending on the weight of the mattress (the lighter the mattress, the higher it lifts) so that partners always lift at an optimal height.

These are just a few examples of ergonomic innovation in warehouses today. By investing in such technologies, facility managers can ensure that their employees go home at the end of the day in the same condition in which they arrived (or even better).

Protecting warehouse workers from high-potential incidents

The above ergonomic technologies are adapted to human anatomy at the nuclear level to help prevent overload and musculoskeletal injuries, but warehouse managers must also do everything in their power to prevent high-potential events from occurring. The supply chain warehouse industry has taken great steps in preventing these incidents The lethality Remains stable Although the number of warehouse workers has doubled in the last ten years. However, with continuous improvement and innovative safety solutions, we can act to bring that number to zero.

46% of forklift-related deaths occur when a pedestrian is found Injured by a vehicle. Fortunately, there are simple mechanical solutions to this significant issue in the industry. Proprietary of Kanko Telematics solution, FleetCloud, For example, offers wearable IoT devices that support Bluetooth, such as a wristband, that can detect when a lift truck is close to a pedestrian, alert a pedestrian and even disable the truck if necessary to prevent a collision.

In addition, a forklift rollover is The most common fatal event In the warehouse, and is often caused by trucks moving away from the platform or separating the truck from the platform due to inferior platform security. Kanko uses a blocking solution that actively blocks the trailer wheels upon arrival at the facility, preventing the trailer from moving away while the lift truck is inside or partially inside it.

Better safety, better engagement, better data

Warehouse safety can not only come from corporate meeting rooms; Safety innovations are inspired and built for associates in the field. Therefore, it is critical that facility managers remain involved with their employees and constantly leverage their expertise in ways to improve safety. The work environment of the supply chain is becoming more complex every day, which further justifies the need for a collaborative work culture open to innovation.

By carefully listening to employees’ ideas and interactions with new safety protocols and technologies, facility managers can collect data over time that will help advanced analytics manage and predict future safety needs. It will be important to employ as many employees as possible and establish a culture of open communication for collecting holistic data.

At the end of the day, employees in all industries want to feel seen and valued. When they see management taking practical steps to improve their daily lives, it encourages a massive boost in employee morale and gives the employer a competitive advantage. The technologies above are just a few examples of the ways in which facility management can go above and beyond to ensure the health of loved ones, but the real key lies in the workforce itself.

Visit our Kenco FleetCloud Learn more or talk to a professional to take the first step towards a safer warehouse today.


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