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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Do You Need a Migration Agent or a Lawyer?

Do You Need a Migration Agent or a Lawyer?

When it comes to migration, everyone’s situation is different. Some people may simply just need to apply for a visa while others may have a more complicated issue. Often, more complicated issues have clients wondering whether they need a migration agent or a lawyer.

So, do you need a migration agent or a lawyer?

Things don’t always go smoothly. There could be any number of reasons why your immigration matter may require the services of a lawyer. Often people view lawyers as a step above migration agents but what they don’t realize is, when it comes to migration, they do the same work.

While generally, migration matters require a registered migration agent, not everything goes to plan and there may be instances where issues tend to become more legal.

The recent Optus data breach highlighted inadequacies in the storage of data not just within Optus but organizations around the country. While this specific occurrence does not have an impact on migration, it brings the issue of data storage into a new light. Companies that employ overseas workers hold personal information on all these employees, so questions start to arise about the storage and use of this data. This type of issue is more of a legal nature.

So too, there are occurrences where employees are bought in from overseas and decide they don’t want to continue working either for the company they are employed by, or they don’t want to stay in Australia. The legal ramifications often see these companies approaching lawyers rather than registered migration agents.

How do I find a lawyer to help my migration agent?

What most people aren’t aware of is that a lot of migration agents actually have a legal background. At Visa Solutions, we are migration agents and lawyers.

In circumstances where a client needs to go to court, it’s not uncommon for a registered migration agent and a lawyer to work together. In these cases, the migration agent provides the in-depth knowledge of immigration, and the lawyer is up to speed with the judicial process and can take the lead in the court room. By utilizing the services of Visa Solutions Australia, clients get the benefit of one person being both a registered migration agent and a lawyer. Not only are you getting a wealth of experience, but you only need to employ the services of one professional.

Visa Solutions is committed to providing a comprehensive service that benefits the needs of our clients. If you would like to learn more about any aspect of migration, contact the team of experienced registered migration agents on 1800 828 008.

Looking to migrate to Australia? Get in touch today to see how we can help with the application process.

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